
World Circular Economy Forum 2021 was held in Canada – a video sent by Finland gained visibility

World Circular Economy Forum 2021 was held in Canada in September - Finland sent a video to the event about the circular economy solutions for construction plastics

The World Circular Economy Forum WCEF is an annual event that brings together business leaders, decision makers and experts to discuss the best circular economy solutions available today. This year the event is hosted by Canada and Sitra.

WCEF 2021 was focused on topics that are central to both economic recovery and the circular transition.

Finland sent a video to the event, the Green Deal of Construction Plastics 2020–2027, which has been prepared jointly by the Ministry of the Environment and the signatories of the Construction Plastics green deal agreement. The Technical Trade Association is involved in the video as part of the sustainability activities of its own industries.

Member companies of the Technical Trade Association are free to share the video on their own websites and social media channels.

“The video shows how the construction value chain, or the parties to a green deal agreement, work together seamlessly to achieve the goals of the agreement. It describes what is meant by a value and supply chain in which construction products are packaged in film plastics at the factory and re-delivered at retail or rental delivery points. Eventually, plastics end up as protectors of construction products on construction sites. We can see how the film plastic is separately collected for recycling and returned to manufacturing”, says Juha Ala-Hiiro, a leading expert at the Technical Trade Association.​​​​​​​

Please ask for more information:

Juha Ala-Hiiro
Senior Advisor
The Association of Finnish Technical Traders

Mobile +358 40 197 3414
Telephone +358 9 6824 1316


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